Why Attend?

Why Attend?

Join the global WSSFN community in Chicago for WSSFN 2024 – one of the top congresses of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery worldwide!

Here to invite you to our XXth World Congress are WSSFN President – Prof. Konstantin Slavin and WSSFN Board Members – Prof. Paresh Doshi and Dr. Harith Akram:

Top reasons to attend WSSFN 2024:

International Community

Meet with world-renowned neurosurgery experts, students, researchers, healthcare providers and peers from across the globe! Discuss new medical advances with international colleagues and spark innovative ideas that will improve the way you treat patients in your practice.

Multidisciplinary Science

The WSSFN 2024 scientific program will cover many multidisciplinary topics, providing attendees with the chance to learn different aspects of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. Join the scientific symposia, workshops, breakfast sessions and more to improve you professional knowledge & skills.

Practical Workshops

The WSSFN 2024 workshops are designed to provide early-career professionals with practical training on the most contemporary techniques. World-renowned experts will take you through different procedures and equip you with new skills to help you excel as a neurosurgeon.

Career Growth

Propel your career and get noticed at WSSFN 2024 by sending us your abstract and presenting your findings at the Congress. Get international recognition and allow colleagues interested in your study to follow up and work with you beyond the event.

Meet Us In Person

Be part of the global WSSFN community and get involved in our social events! Get to know colleagues from different cultures, share different perspectives, learn and collaborate together, expand your professional network and build strong, meaningful relationships!

Explore Chicago

Chicago is a lively, bustling city, with many irresistible leisure and cultural events. The Windy City is always evolving by effortlessly blending traditional heritage with striking modernism to create a city of contrasts just waiting to be discovered!

WSSFN 2024 will bring new knowledge and collaboration to Chicago. All we need is YOU to make it a great success!